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June 1, 2022

What You Need To Believe To Be True About Yourself

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I was challenged to think about the things I need to believe to be true about myself in order to accomplish the things I hope to. To say it another way, only a certain type of person is capable of accomplishing certain types of things. I challenge you to think about it too. The task became identifying who is the person you want to be, and determining how that person relates with themselves and the world around them.

This really becomes a matter of our identity. Our identity is simply who we believe ourselves to be. These beliefs exist at a subconscious level and influence everything, most notably our thoughts,  behaviors, and choices. So if you want to accomplish certain things, you need to have beliefs that support it. If your beliefs are misaligned then you’ll be pulled away from who you want to be and toward being someone else.

The easiest way to think about this is like a thermostat. If the person you want to be has beliefs at 80 degrees, but your current beliefs keep you at 65, then no matter how hard you work you will always return to your equilibrium at 65 degrees. All progress you make to achieve your goals and be the person you want to be will ultimately regress to the level of your current beliefs.

The thought here is to start with the end in mind and reverse engineer your beliefs so that you can be the person you want to be. Someone who believes that they always get hurt by romantic relationships is more likely to get hurt again. Someone who believes that their boss will look over them for a promotion probably won’t get the promotion. And that’s because these beliefs create thoughts that lead to action (or inaction) that affects the results you generate in your life.

This isn’t something that’s easy to gain insight into, but it’s profound when you do. This is something I’m fascinated by and I have a lot of frameworks to apply to this, to make the unconscious conscious, so that you can upgrade your beliefs to match them with the person you want to be. Implementing this is one of the things I’m considering incorporating in the 3 Day Self Growth Sprint I’m putting together. If you want to get first grabs at it when it launches, and to help me by sharing your insights about your personal development journey click the link here and take 5 minutes to fill out the survey!

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