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July 5, 2023

Invest In Building Systems

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One of the things that will most quickly, most fundamentally support you in being more productive and improve the quality of everything you do, is building systems. A system is a procedural way of doing things that allows for predictable outcomes to be produced with less effort and resources. If you feel like you don’t have enough time and energy in the day to do everything you want to do, your way out of it is systems.

Not only is this true on the side of making improvements to your life, it also applies to the challenging aspects too. In “Atomic Habits” James Clear says “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” This means that if you want to turn your game up a notch, and deliver on it consistently, you need to have systems.

If systems are clearly so good and effective, why don’t we have more of them?

The answer is in human nature - we are lazy and because of that we’re often unwilling to put in the work required to build the system. In order for the work to be done efficiently, you need to invest in building the system. 

Instead of doing the thing, you apply your time and effort doing things that help you to do the thing. It seems like a waste until you have the system in place and it supports you in doing the thing over and over and over again, making each time way easier than it was before. But many people aren’t interested in doing the little extra in the short-term that creates huge efficiencies in the long-term.

So if you want to become more efficient and open up your capacity to do all of the things that are important to you - consistent exercise and self-care, reading more, progressing in your career - you need to implement a system. It’s going to take a little work, but if you have 5 minutes a day for 21 days, I will help you to implement a life operating system that gives you the motivation, accountability, and daily step-by-step routines you need to truly take things to the next level. 

Again, 5 minutes, 21 days to revolutionize your life and tap into the next level of your growth. This is the simple task in the 21 Day Super Habits Challenge.

You can be the person that does it all, and you don’t need to settle for less!

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