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April 28, 2022

"You are one of the passionate few."

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I wanted to highlight a new friend of mine whose story I heard this weekend, and the reason I want to share it with you is because he is living proof of what’s possible for you. His name is Omar Elattar and he’s the host of The Passionate Few podcast and YouTube channel. 

Omar was in debt, in a job he didn’t like, and in a toxic relationship. When his girlfriend at the time broke up with him he hit a rock bottom but incredibly, he converted that anger and heartbreak into fuel that catapulted him into the next chapter of his life. He simply made the choice to take risks, create opportunity, and prove to himself and others what he was capable of. Years later he has interviewed and become friends with some of the most successful people in the world, and his mission is to inspire people like you that you can do it too. I say it a little differently but the message is similar - Yes you can!

What’s interesting about the word “passion” is it has unexpected origins. It’s etymology means ‘to suffer’, and when we think about passion we often see it in a more empowering and positive light. But was was clear in Omar’s story is that his passion was inspired by his personal suffering, and I think that’s true for a lot of people. Danette May calls it “turning your mess into your message”.

To be passionate is to be filled with emotion, to care deeply about what you’re experiencing, and I think as a collective it’s something we’re sorely missing. Many people can’t be bothered to care. They’re afraid of what they’ll discover, how they’ll be perceived, and what changes it might bring to their life. Through his work Omar encourages you to take yourself seriously, believe in yourself and what you’re capable of, and to live in a way that fulfills you because you’re giving it your all and not holding back! I know you are one of the passionate few.

To wrap this up let’s tap into this opportunity for you - What’s one things you've major experienced and how has that shaped what you’re most passionate about?

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