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August 9, 2023

Is There A Better Way?

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The highest caliber of growth-oriented people are constantly asking themselves how they can make things better. That’s not to say that things always need to get better, there’s a healthy balance between accepting things that are good enough and finding room for improvement... 

But isn’t it worth asking the question to have an idea of what you might be missing? 

When we approach our lives with curiosity and a desire to generate more awareness, we give ourselves more context to make better decisions without the bias of our own judgment. Then if you discover something you feel compelled to try out, run a test without attachment to a certain outcome and see how it goes.

In the pursuit of better, my friend Case Kenny offers to interesting approaches to consider. He says look for ways to making things simpler or do things differently.

Our natural inclination is to add more on top of what we’ve already got. But complexity and volume don’t guarantee better results. In fact, as Case suggests it’s often the opposite that is more effective.

To talk more about this balance, just because things can get better does not mean that your current results are good enough. ‘Enough’ is a loaded word. One side of the coin of enough is complacency, meeting minimum requirements.

What I’m talking about is the other side, which is sufficiency and satisfaction. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”, we don’t need to create problems where they don’t exist.

But again, isn’t it worth thinking about what’s possible? Is there a better way? Awareness never hurts.

Getting in the habit of thinking this way serves you in more than the immediate. Ed Mylett says that our thinking is simply the process of asking and answering questions to ourselves. So when we ask good, creative, challenging questions like this, we train our brain to think more creatively. 

This applies to anything. It could be as mundane as your current grocery shopping process - Is there a better way? Something that’s simpler or different than what you’re already doing, or more efficient? Or it could be as tactical as evaluating a core strategy in your business. What would simpler or different even look like?

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

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