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February 9, 2022

Getting Everything Done

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If you’re a self-improving, aspiring high performer like me then there are a lot of things you want to get done. What if I told you that was actually possible? It is possible if you set yourself up for success, and there are 2 major things to consider to be able to do it all.

First is setting the right expectations. What does doing it all mean, and what is a reasonable amount to get done? If you expect too much then you’ll fail to live up to it, and along the way you’ll start doubting yourself more because of the overwhelm you experience by the growing list. Getting everything done starts with knowing what the right things are to get done, which closely ties in with your core values and major commitments.

Second is having a system in place to not let anything slip through the cracks. This requires a certain amount of organization and structure so that you can manage it all. The structure I learned is from my mentor David Meltzer and he shares it in a quote I absolutely love - “100% of the things you do now get done.” He calls it 'do it now', and his approach encourages you to either 1) Do the task immediately if it’s something you can do quickly (and he argues it will save you time overall), or 2) Capture the task immediately so that you can reliably return to it later.

It’s pretty simple if you put it that way, right? You need to have the right expectations so that you commit to doing the right things and only the right things, then you need a process in place to actually do it, whether that be immediately or later on. You’ll find ‘doing it all’ actually involves doing a lot less than you think because we keep ourselves busy doing so many things that are non-essential.

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