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March 31, 2019

Courage Beats Condition with Morgan Freeman

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The concept in this message is very important to understand, whether it applies to your life or helps you empathize with others’ lives. Fortunately for me, I had a comfortable upbringing and continue to live a comfortable life. But many people have the odds stacked against them and they feel discouraged to dream. That’s exactly how Morgan Freeman felt, until he broke through.

"I was born in Memphis, Tennessee. I had a long haul from where I came from to here, but here we are. Courage is the key to life itself. There are a lot of people who were born in situations where they think they will never get out of this, so they won't. To the people who say, man I could not get out of there, well, the bus runs everyday. If you can think of it you can do it. That is the human condition. If we can imagine it we can do it. I think that the condition of each individual can do it".

It is really interesting how he chose to use the word courage, because the assumption is that with courage there is fear. That fear often overrides our vision for the life we want to live, and causes us to settle into complacency. But one small step at a time, you can overcome your financial, relationship, or professional situation and inch your way toward your dreams. And it requires having the courage to allow yourself to dream!

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