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March 23, 2020

Universal Consistencies of a Good Leader

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We are all leaders. Now I understand that’s a big term, but it’s true. Leadership doesn’t take any one form, everyone displays their leadership in their own way, but what is universally consistent is that our actions influence the actions of others. Within that influence, we need to take responsibility for our actions so that we perpetuate behavior that contributes to the well-being of this world, not tearing it apart.

What are some other universal consistencies? I want to share two.

The first is empathy. As a leader you must understand where someone is coming from to guide them to the right course of action. In the book, Belong, by Radha Agrawal, she acknowledges that there are 3 different pieces to each person in a conversation. How am I in life? How am I right now? And How am I with you? This is an empathy practice that will help you communicate more effectively with other people.

The second element to leadership is humility. David Meltzer describes humility in two ways. This first is as an ability to give without expectation. This means doing the things that are required of you given the task, and leading by example when necessary. The second is to ask for help. Leaders aren’t perfect, and they don’t have the answer to everything. By stepping into that truth you prepare yourself better for the things that are required of you. This will also prep you to establish a culture of teamwork and strength in numbers.

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