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August 25, 2023

Thinking Time

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There’s a topic that has come up a few times for me in the last week and I’ve taken it as a sign that it’s something I should really pay attention to. The first mention of it came in a call with my coach - As we were talking about a challenge in my life he encouraged me to “Stop being inside the problem and start being outside the problem.”

Also, right now I’m re-reading the book “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown and he has a whole section dedicated to intentional exploration, because after doing that, you have more information to work with to make your fewer commitments the right ones.

In the busyness of our lives, how often do we get to take a step back and think. To think about the goals we’ve committed to, the direction we’re headed, and even the ways we’re currently doing things. The essentialist mindset offers one echoing encouragement, how can you do “less but better”?

The answer is to think more and open the door to the ideas and opportunities that were being overlooked. 

Now does that mean that you need to change everything, all at once, all the time? Of course not. There’s a fine line between being too spontaneous and putting thought into your current circumstances. But the awareness that thinking brings you, shining light on where things might be deficient, suboptimal, or incomplete, could give you insight into what needs to change first.

Here are a few examples of how thinking might help you step outside of the problem:

Do you know exactly what you want in your career or are you just frustrated that you’re not there yet?

Do you know what a better relationship with your partner actually looks like or are you just griping that it’s not good enough?

Do you know what else might be contributing to you having a hard time losing weight, even though the nutrition plan you’re on is supposed to work?

Getting clear on some of these finer details, and making decisions on how you want to proceed differently, could make all the difference. And that’s what some carved out, dedicated “thinking time” could help you to do.

If you feel like it’s been a while since you’ve really thought about what you want in life, doesn’t it make sense why you aren’t living it? If you want to bridge that gap and adjust the trajectory of your life so that it’s pointed in a more fulfilling, inspiring, and energizing direction, I’m putting on a 45 minute workshop called Visioneering Dreams To Reality. 

If you want to allocate some time to think about what’s important, and find ways to make your life easier and better all at once, register for the free workshop right now and I’ll run you through a process that will really open your mind and get you excited again about what’s possible!

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