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November 18, 2020

Live For Purpose

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The way I see it, personal development is fundamental to our lives. Given that we live in a constantly changing world we need to be dynamic as individuals to best exist within it, and that’s where our self growth comes in to help us meet those demands. However, I don’t think it stops there, I think the development and growth we seek to experience is meant to serve more than just ourselves. I firmly believe that you cannot give what you don’t have, and personal development is just preparation to be able to contribute toward the lives of others.

Having said that, I’d like to introduce you to For Purpose. I have been developing a social impact platform that is designed to help people make a difference in the world. I truly believe that we all have something unique to offer but it can be overwhelming knowing where to get started. And sometimes we feel like what we have to offer doesn’t actually make a difference. Well I’m here to tell you, I think that’s bullshit. Your compassion, your creativity, your daily choices, and your dollar all make a difference, and we’re building a platform that makes it more doable than ever to live a life in service of others.

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