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November 7, 2019

Listen to Podcasts

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Podcasts hold a wealth of information that can be accessed at anytime while traveling in a car or on a plane, exercising, eating, cleaning. The beauty of this form of content is that it makes knowledge available to you while you’re doing something else. Based on human nature and our preference to do what is convenient, and I have no doubt that podcasts will continue to get more and more popular. This means we’re still at the beginning of what is going to be available to learn through podcasts.

And something that is underrated about the podcasting world is its power as a search engine. In the search bar, you can type in any topic that you want to learn about, and an authority on the topic has prepared a long and detailed response on that topic.  I don’t think we give that enough credit!

With all of this in mind, it comes down to something simpler. Listening to podcasts means you are interested in learning. Instead of playing some music, or having background noise from a TV show or YouTube video, you can opt in to take a moment to learn something new. Remember, as stated in two of my favorite books The Compound Effect and Atomic Habits, it’s the small accumulation of small positive choices that create indescribable and lasting positive change. Use podcasts as a resource to seek knowledge on a daily basis

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