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February 24, 2021

Lifestyle Changes vs Life Changes

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It’s important to recognize that self-improvement is a dynamic process. As a past interview guest Brian Mazza says, “Nothing changes if nothing changes”, so making progress in your life requires you to do things differently. When it comes to making these changes there are two schools of thought that have different implications, and that’s the difference between lifestyle changes and life changes. 

A lifestyle change is an adjustment to the way things already are. It’s a subtle shift in intention that makes something new more of a priority. You implement a new morning routine that includes gratitude and meditation, you start eating healthier, or you schedule more time to be with loved ones.  You use a lot of the same resources you previously had available, but you just use them in a different way.  

A life change is different. It’s a permanent shift in the way things are in your life, and it comes from more major decisions and commitments. You move to a new city, break up with your partner, or start a side hustle. Life changes bring on periods of transition where you need to choose how to allocate resources in a new context, which actually is a great opportunity to set new expectations. Naturally as you set new standards, you will be making lifestyle changes that align with your evolving circumstances. 

So there’s a place for both lifestyle changes and life changes. Life changing events don’t come around everyday, and rightfully so because they are challenging and exhausting, but when they do come you need to seize them.

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