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May 26, 2022

"It all works out."

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I don’t know what’s going on in your life, and if you need to hear this, but if anything it’s a good reminder to trust the process. Often times we encounter situations that are overwhelming, all-consuming, and seemingly impossible. In the face of illness, disability, financial hardship, relationship issues, everything can feel too heavy to carry. You can resolve that you’re not going to make it. But you will, you always do, and if I’m being honest I've found “it all works out.”

That’s not to say that things won’t be different. They will. Divorce will change your life. An injury will change your life. Downsizing your house or moving to a more affordable place will change your life. But it’s never the end, life goes on and it all works out.

What’s extremely hard to do in the moment, but what I’d challenge you to do the next time you face something like this, is to have faith in the process. To believe that all of this is happening for you in one way or another. It might not look like it and it certainly might not feel like it, but know that there’s something larger happening that is preparing you for greater, leading you forward, and serving you in ways you’re not aware of.

What feels like life-destroying circumstances are truly just life-changing circumstances. Significant? Yes. Defining? Perhaps. But it’s not the end. It’s your choice and within your power to assign meaning to everything you’re experiencing, and to wrap this up let me ask you this question - What are you going through right now that worries you? Breathe into it, and tell yourself, “it’s all works out.”

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