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December 24, 2018

Holiday Season Introspection

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Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating. I wanted to take a quick moment to share a bit about what the Holidays mean to me, and challenge you to think about what the Holidays mean to you.

Our family’s celebration on the eve was entirely different from last year. Two new babies, a few unfortunate passings, and many major life transitions later, we were brought together to enjoy each other’s company.  It’s crazy to think about how much changes in so little time, but I guess that is a given in life.

A great tradition in my family is that we decorate the family tree.  What we do is collect memories and major milestones in ornaments, and reflect on great times as we retell those stories. Again, it reminds me of how quickly things change, and how the events that seemed like they were my entire world have already come and gone.

But, from all of that change, I have found consistency. The core group of people that I couldn’t be without. So for me, the Holidays are a great reminder to what sits at the core of my life.  What does the Holiday season mean to you?

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