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April 16, 2019

Building a Network Inspired by Keith Ferrazzi

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There is nothing more human than a human connection. With the rise of technology, we are starting to lose sight of that. But, we still know that there is so much joy to be found, opportunity within, and emotion around building face to face relationships.

A timeless book titled Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi, gives us the best practices on how to build a network. A network is important professionally because, as per the latest estimates, 80% of job placements are done through referral rather than a traditional interview. So to be successful, it’s important that you know people, and Keith Ferazzi’s book does a great job explaining how to do so.

The first thing to keep in mind is the type of relationship you’re looking to build. Ferrazzi puts it as having refrigerator rights. Basically, you should have relationships that are intimate enough that you have no issue going through each other’s fridge without permission, which is pretty intimate if you ask me, but a relatable standard.

He also explains that relationships are like muscles, don’t work them and they won’t grow, work them too hard and they’ll strain. These relationships require reciprocation to continue validating that there is mutual value in the exchange. The quality of time is better than the quantity of time.

Lastly, Ferrazzi talks about being proactive about building your network, and that you should do it before you need it. This gives you the time to let those relationships mature and leverage them when the time is right for you.

If you’re looking to grow your network, look no further than Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi. He is full of great ideas that can improve the quality of your relationships and life.

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