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“The more one does, the more one can do.” - Amelia Earheart

April 25, 2024

Let’s learn from an incredibly inspiring historical figure, Amelia Earheart. To understand where this comes from let’s first be clear on how pioneering she was. Amelia Earheart is best known for being the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, but it’s important to understand the context of the time. 

She did this in the 1930s when women weren’t really allowed to be pilots, and only a decade after women earned the right to vote. This pioneering role is further cemented by her involvement as the first president of the Ninety-Nines, an organization dedicated to advancing female aviation. 

And this is what makes Earhart's words so powerful: “The more one does, the more one can do.”

She’s a classic example of “give me an inch and I’ll take a mile”. I’m sure that when she asked to learn how to be a pilot people laughed at her and told her she couldn’t. But she persevered and became a pilot. Then when she shared the idea to cross the Atlantic I’m sure people told her she was crazy. But she did it anyway. And of course when she became a vocal advocate for women’s opportunity in aviation she faced headwind (pun intended). But it didn’t stop her and she shifted an industry.

“The more one does, the more one can do.”

Our ultimate potential is undefined. It is impossible to ever reach our fullest potential. Self actualization is a process and not an endpoint. And the more that we breakthrough what we used to think was impossible, the more we find ourselves in new spaces to break through. 

So if I can encourage you - If you’re serious about living an extraordinary life and making an extraordinary impact, you’re not going to do it on the sidelines. And you’re certainly not going to arrive anywhere new if you keep doing the same things you’ve been doing.

Having the confidence to dream bigger and see more for yourself requires that you stand on a strong infrastructure. There are universal fundamentals that everyone needs to put themselves in a position to be at their very best. 

If you want to do an audit on where you’re at with them, and learn about the 9 Super Habits that will help you easily reach your next level of daily performance, then this is for you!


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Spray Painting Leaves

April 24, 2024

I’m going to tell you a story, let me know if this makes sense…

A young boy who takes an interest in nature wants to start a garden. He’s looking forward to the daily care and maintenance. One of the plants he wants to grow is a tomato plant. He digs out a hole in the soil and drops some tomato seeds in. A few months later, after watering it every day, the tomato plant stalk has grown but it’s not growing any tomatoes.

The boy asks his mother - “I’ve been taking care of my tomato plant, watering it every day, but it’s not growing tomatoes, what’s wrong?

She answers “The leaves and branches on the plant are brown, it’ll start producing tomatoes when it’s healthy and green.”

The boy, now understanding the problem, goes to the store, buys some green spray paint, and paints the plant’s leaves and branches green.

In this story it’s obvious to us why that doesn’t work… But where else in our lives are we just “spray painting leaves” rather than addressing the core issue? 

This idea is one of the biggest concerns people have with western medicine and how we’re prescribed pills and treatments to manage symptoms. If we want something to actually change, we need to address the root cause. Related to another plant-inspired metaphor - “You can’t change the fruits without changing the roots.”

If we’re feeling overworked at our job, taking time off temporarily takes the pressure off, but setting better boundaries and expectations with your manager will lead to more sustainable relief. Starting a new exercise routine might work for a while but it will ultimately fail if you don’t redesign your schedule. Telling yourself you’ll be on your phone less is different than setting app restrictions and having accountability.

The easy thing to do is just spray paint the leaves of our life and make things better in the moment. But those of us who desire true, sustainable improvement need to realize that the plant isn’t getting enough water, and we need to change something more significant about our approach.

So the next time you see something that you want to change, ask yourself “What is the easy spray paint solution for this, and what does watering it look like?


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The Criteria To Making Good Choices

April 23, 2024

Something that underlies everything about our lives is our choices. 

Darren Hardy says “You make your choices and your choices make you.” Robert Bennet says “Our life is the sum result of all the choices you make.” ‘Atomic Habits’ author James Clear says “Success is the product of daily choices.”

Needless to say, our daily choices are something we need to pay attention to.

At the end of the day, what is a choice? It’s a decision that sets a path for action. When you make a choice it influences you to take action in a way that is in alignment with the choice. And this is why choices are the very bedrock of success: Choices lead to actions, and actions lead to results.

But if it’s easy enough for us to just make the right choices to get the results that we want, why don’t we? It's because while this is a very simple framework, it’s not easy. There are many factors that get in the way like biases, belief systems, emotions, needs, and competing commitments that influence our choices.

As I see it, there are two criteria that when addressed, lead to you making good choices: Awareness and discipline.

Starting with awareness - Many of the poor choices we make are done unconsciously. This means that we didn’t have any say in the matter, the choice was made without us even realizing it, and it led to the corresponding actions and results that we would not choose.

We can either change this unconscious influence so that we make better choices when on autopilot (which involves upgrading our identity and belief system) or we can create more awareness in our lives so that we can make a positive conscious choice rather than be at the mercy of whatever comes from our unconscious negative choices.

The second criteria is discipline. Let’s say that we know what choice we want to make but we don’t feel like it. Fries sound tasty compared to a side salad. We’re aware that we want to stop answering emails and get a workout in instead...

This is where other forms of unconscious influence come in to make things difficult. If your physical state of being is tired or malnourished, or your emotional state is dejected, sad, or frustrated, it impacts your conscious reasoning. This is why it’s so easy for us to talk ourselves out of doing something - because it can sound rational. But with discipline and following through on making the right choices for yourself, and taking the corresponding actions, you can overcome the mind’s biases.

To make better choices in your health and work, and start experiencing the incredible lift in daily energy and productivity, you need to improve your awareness and discipline. Fortunately, there are 9 Super Habits that when done consistently can completely transform your lifestyle, focus, and self-confidence in just minutes a day. If you want to learn what they are... This is for you!


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Are You Overcommitted?

April 22, 2024

I don’t know if it’s just me, but people seem busier than ever. There’s no shortage of things to do or get done, so much so that sometimes it gets to the point where it feels too overwhelming to tackle any of it. Unfortunately this causes us to get further behind on what’s already too much, perpetuating the problem.

To be overcommitted is simply the result of not having enough time to do what you feel required to do. And there’s a cost to it. In order to accommodate the lack of time we find ourselves making compromises that impact the quality and consistency of our work.

If you’re feeling overcommitted yourself, like you’re juggling too much and things are starting to drop, there are two ways you can intervene to create more sustainability in your life.

The first thing you can do is set better boundaries so that you take on less.

One version of this involves getting better at saying “no”, and not stretching yourself beyond capacity. In my opinion, unconsciously we add to our commitment list because we believe that getting more done means that we’re more productive, which is fulfilling. I’d argue that wanting to be productive is not the actual end-goal and is misunderstood for wanting to be more intentional about what we do.

Of course, not all of this is self-imposed. There are other people who put things on your plate. Co-workers, friends, and family will seek your support. However, it’s up to you whether you accept it or not, and having the courage to enforce a new boundary interrupts the pattern and leads to a new result.

The second thing you can do is create efficiencies in your life.

To become more efficient means your create more output from less energy and time input. The best way that I’ve found to create efficiencies is by developing systems which streamline the process of getting the same or better result with less time, effort, and waste.

Ultimately, being overcommitted is a life-design problem where the math of your life gives an answer that is too big. If you want to change the answer to something more manageable, you need to change the inputs. And you can do so by decreasing the amount that you’re doing or doing it more efficiently. 


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Weekend Recap 4/15 - 4/19

April 20, 2024
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There Are No Silver Bullets

April 19, 2024

We live in a society that promises more, faster, better. If it’s not available at the tip of our fingers then it’s not worth our time. That’s an expectation that has been conditioned into us, and it comes at a very steep cost. 

As a collective, we’re more impatient than ever. We want things to move fast and work well right away, so we’re always on the look out for the “silver bullet” to magically solve all of our problems. But no such thing exists. 

If it wasn’t true before then it’s undeniably true now - Being consistent is a superpower.

Those who can consistently show up in the ways they need to in their health, career, and loved ones are rewarded with the life and lifestyle they desire.

Now here’s the nuance - Some strategies and tactics are more effective than others. You can in fact work smarter and harder at the same time to accelerate your success. So rather than waiting for the “silver bullets” of life, we’re better off seeking out “Golden BBs”.

These are the strategies and tactics that, when implemented, are more likely to help you get better results. They’ve worked for others which suggests that a version of them will work for you. 

And that’s the important distinction. Rather than having one shot at success with a Silver Bullet, you can take many shots of Golden BBs. This gives you more of a chance to see which ones land so that you know which good ideas to build off of.

From what I’ve seen that’s how it really works. It’s ridiculous to think that your first attempt at anything is going to be the best, most effective way of doing it. Everything requires feedback to slowly settle toward its most optimized state. It’s being consistent about taking action, and giving yourself more reference points that really fuels this cycle.

As a personal example, I learned from a number of different trusted sources (most prominently Darren Hardy) that the best thing you could do to drive improvement in your life is to track your behavior. Consider that a Golden BB. So I began to implement it. 

It started simply in a journal as a reflection on the day. It then evolved into a binder of sheets I filled out every evening. From there it moved into an online tracking system that could calculate my performance against my goals in real-time, and now has expanded with new details and features to give me even better insights into my growth.

It was through taking this good idea and implementing it consistently that I arrived at this highly optimized version of personal performance tracking. And if it interests you to skip the decade of trial and error to see what I landed on, I made a video for you that shares my self-improvement tracking system that I run my life with.

Check it out!


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"You're not too old."

April 18, 2024

Something I want in my life, and I imagine a lot of people want to is to feel more youthful. When we’re young are more active and we recover faster, so we’re more willing to strain ourselves. We’re more interested in doing things that are physically uncomfortable but opens us up to more opportunities and experiences. 

But as we age and our bodies adapt over time, we slowly start to lose some of that and settle for a more conservative lifestyle. We don’t bend, move, and fit like we used to, so our options become a little more limited.

What’s unfortunate though is the mindset that goes along with the subtle physical decline. We start telling ourselves we can’t do things before we even give them a try. We rule ourselves out without even evaluating the tradeoff. We start to feel like we’re losing our edge and that our highest peak is already behind us, which is deflating.

But you know that old expression “Age is just a number”… What if it was actually true? What if our biological age doesn’t have to be correlated with our lifestyle age?

This become very clear to me last weekend. My fiancé Irene is 29 years old, which is not old by any stretch, but as a competitive gymnast she’s on the very old side of the sport. The narrative is that girls do gymnastics until they’re 18, then if they’re good enough to compete at a higher level they continue on through 22 or so, and beyond that it’s very uncommon.

Irene however refused to believe that. Last weekend she competed in a National Championship alongside college-aged women and didn’t only keep up, she was better than many of them and won two events! 

She’s living proof that you don’t need to accept the expectation people have about things, especially what you can or can’t do because of your age. What you choose is what rules, and too many people take on the story of what they’re supposed to do rather than chasing down what they want for themselves.

And while this example has been very focused on physical abilities, this is true in so many areas: In business you’re not too old to take a chance and make your dream come true. If you want to start a family, don’t listen to what people say about not having the energy for it if that’s what you want to do. If you want to backpack and travel the world, you can and you should!

“You’re not too old.” Now the question you need to ask yourself is, for what?


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5 Words To Be More Influential

April 17, 2024

As we work hard to change lives and succeed in our careers, lead our families to a healthier and happier life, and enroll others to support us in our goals, an important skillset to develop is being more influential.

To be more influential means that your contributions weigh heavier, initiating changes that shape the world around you to be more in your favor. 

We think that to be more influential we need to come from a place of authority, confidence, and certainty. That if we want people to take what we have to say seriously we need to give them a reason to believe us. And while that does help us be more influential, it is not the most effective thing we can do to influence.

Rather than manufacturing credibility, the #1 thing you can do to be more influential is share your experience.

So if you want someone to respect your opinion more, or take your advice, or shift their perspective based on your insight...

The 5 most influential words you can say are... “What worked for me is...”

Why is this so powerful?

First, it comes from a place of confidence. It’s believable because you’re clearly not trying to overstate your knowledge, which makes what you have to share much more believable. You can’t guarantee something will work or not work, or be a good or bad idea, and framing it up this way means you’re not attempting to.

Second, it directs you to share what you’re most qualified to speak about. Rather than speaking on topics that you don’t know as well and trying to sound convincing, your focus is on your own experience which is undeniable. It’s easy to remember the truth of what happened, you don’t need to rehearse it, it just pours out naturally. 

And third it actually makes people more willing to receive your advice. People are resistant to being told what to do, we all desire to have a sense of agency. When you share what worked for you they interpret it as exactly that, and they maintain the ability to choose it for themselves so that it’s their own decision rather than yours.

So give it a try, the next time you want to really get your message across, simply say the short expression “What worked for me is…”. It will then naturally prompt you to tell a relevant story that is true to your level of knowledge, speak to your truth and sweet spot, and be better received by whomever you’re sharing it with.


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Feeling Defeated

April 16, 2024

I wish we could control the outcomes of our lives. I believe that if we knew with certainty that we put something in and will get what we want out, we’d be way more motivated and hard working. But as we all know, nothing in life is guaranteed. There are many things that are out of our control and unfortunately, results are one of those things.

So when you put your heart and soul into something, you give it your very best, and you still don’t get the outcome you want, it can be very defeating. It makes you think that your goals might not even be worth working toward and makes you wonder if you’re capable of the level of greatness you always imagined for yourself.

If you feel defeated, like nothing that you do is working and anytime you push two steps forward you get dragged 3 steps back, you’re not alone. We all experiences big and small losses on a daily basis and we all need to recover from them. Resilience is the speed that you do so, and if you want to become more resilient in the face of failure, this is for you.

Kind of cliche, but the first thing we must do is pick ourselves up when we fall down. We need to build our confidence back up with a few small wins. We need to get ourselves back into a positive direction so that we can begin to build momentum. The challenge is, this is when things are the hardest because you have more resistance to overcome.

And that’s why you start small. You don’t need to recover from losing a sale, or a bad breakup, or not getting that job by going out and replacing it. It’s demanding to jump right back in at the same level and often too overwhelming to consider. 

That’s why you start with small wins. You get a workout in and choose a healthy meal. You do something for yourself that you enjoy. You knock off that tedious task that has been in the back of your mind. You find a way to get back in motion.

The most resilient people I know are so effective at bouncing back quickly because they have these fundamentals locked into place. Their natural state of being is one of consistency, discipline, and intentionality, which allows them to build themselves back up without having to put effort into it. They do it on autopilot.

Something I tell myself all the time, that Brian Johnson from Heroic says, is “The worse I feel, the more committed I am to my protocol.” 

That’s my encouragement to you. When you feel defeated, you can bounce back faster and avoid things slipping any further than they already have by doubling-down on the fundamentals that support you in being at your best.

If you don’t have a personal protocol, let me share mine with you. I practice 9 Super Habits that take only moments to do but they ensure that I enforce high standards for myself in my energy, productivity, and mindset, so that I consistently do the things necessary to feel and perform at my best. When you feel defeated, these 9 Super Habits make you feel unstoppable.


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Healthy And Unhealthy Humility

April 15, 2024

Something that most people would label as a positive characteristic trait is possessing humility. When someone is humble they’re known to be more conservative in their lifestyle and choose not to be self-promotional about their achievements.

However, you can arrive at that same endpoint behavior in two different ways. The first is “humble minimizing”, which is an unhealthy way of discrediting yourself, and the other is “humble assured” that comes from a more grounded and self-confident place.

Let’s dive into each.

‘Humble minimizing’ is a symptom of having low self-worth. In the face of success, you choose to deflect the attention because you feel like an imposter for having it. You speak humbly about the circumstances and factors that lead up to certain accomplishments, and while it comes off as modest and grateful, it’s actually an unconscious influence to limit your role in it. As the term suggests, you use humility to minimize yourself in the face of achievement.

‘Humble assured’ is a more genuine expression of humility. You fully recognize the role you played to be successful, but you don’t find the need to make it known. You find quiet confidence in your own ability but would prefer to make it about other people, and other things, to be in service of the moment. You accept that other things contributed to the end-result but it doesn’t threaten you because you know you had a hand in it as well. It's a more certain, self-assured energy where you genuinely know that it wasn’t a fluke, and that you have the skills and know-how to succeed again.

To make this concrete, let me share a personal example. A moment in my life when I was ‘humble minimizing’ was when I got my first job out of college. I spoke about the conditions that led to me getting the job, which included a lot of past relationships helping to open doors. It was a prestigious job in medical device sales, and I credited getting it to those factors. If I'm being honest, deep-down I believed that I wouldn’t have gotten the job had it not been for those relationships.

Having a more ‘humble assured’ perspective now, I can absolutely see how this opportunity was only available because of these relationships. But I also know that I wouldn’t have been a candidate for it had I not graduated with honors, with a degree in neurobiology, and being a really good communicator. 

I point this out because on the surface, both ‘humble minimizing’ and ‘humble assured’ create the same outcome. The difference is the intention and energy behind it. Knowing the distinction here, you can reflect on moments where you choose to be humble and better understand what’s motivating them. 

It’s not binary and there’s a lot of gray area between the two, but the core question I’d ask is “Do I feel lucky or do I feel like I earned this?” Continue to be humble and elevate others, but don’t do so at the expense of your own self-worth.


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