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March 3, 2019

Use Data to Uncover Deficiencies with Dr. Phil Wagner

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Let’s talk about something that isn’t very glamorous, but is an incredible resource if managed correctly which is data. Data is all around us, and when treated correctly, can help us draw conclusions that were otherwise invisible.  It is the most reliable metric to make any decision off of because it comes from simulation and trial.

One of the world leaders in data is Sparta Science, and specifically Dr. Phil Wagner, and the work he does to use data to improve athletic performance. 

Dr. Wagner collects data, finds correlation between different sets of data, and translates it into usable terms so that coaches and players can benefit from the findings.  The value he offers is a solution coaches didn’t know they were missing, a deficiency they were unaware of, and when using data, the same can happen for you.

For example, I used data to make changes to my diet. When I started recording my meals at night, I realized two things. First, I skipped too many meals without realizing it, and that I ate out more often that I wanted to. With that finding, I have been able to prepare meals ahead of time and provide a solution to both of those problems, but didn’t realize the extent of the problem until it was presented in data.

So whatever you’re curious about, start keeping track of it, and see what you find.

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