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August 6, 2020

"Spread love everywhere you go."

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You have so much to offer! Your energy is contagious and your love even more so. When you choose to show up for others, and provide your heart, you’ll discover that it doesn’t take much to make a big difference. Love is an emotion that speaks louder than all other emotions, it’s a dominating force, and it comes in so many different shapes and sizes. And that’s what you I encourage you to affirm today. You can be intentional about leading with love and spreading love everywhere you go.

It’s taking an extra moment with a stranger to acknowledge them, to give them your attention, and make them feel heard and seen. It’s picking up a piece of trash on the ground out of respect and love for the other people you share this space with. It’s going the extra mile for no reason other than to facilitate someone else’s happiness.

And to me, that’s the point. It’s a choice. It’s your choice to spread love everywhere you go. Wherever you focus your attention will attract more of the same in your life, which will amplify your ability to provide more of it and your willingness to receive it. Make that thing love, because the world needs more of it, and no matter what you think, you have a ton of it to give.

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