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March 10, 2020

Pursuing Your Dreams with Jasmine Star

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Jasmine Star is a self-made, inspiring leader who believes that we can accomplish anything we set our mind to. Recently, I had the privilege of listening to her speak live, and she said something toward the end that really stood out, and fortunately I was able to record it. 

In the face of our dreams, many of us come upon a similar objection. My family doesn't understand what I’m trying to do, and therefore aren’t very supportive of it. I know, this comes from a place of love, but that doesn’t mean it’s what’s best for us. I’m going to let Jasmine take the stage here and share her thoughts on this.

Yes, it’s important to respect your family. Yes, it’s important to be calculated and intentional about your choices. But, no one knows what you want, what you need, and what you’re capable of like you do, and that’s something you need to trust.

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